In his latest photo editorial, Brehm is showcasing images of Mr Elias Mitri, an enthusiastic Gardner, who loves to travel and kindly agreed for Brehm to photograph him during these unsettling and unprecedented times.
The title of this editorial is “Hope and Resilience” and reflects solitude, compassion, empathy and love for humanity” during these difficult times.
“Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.”
― Roy T. Bennett
Having hope propels us to achieve our dreams and drives us forward toward our pursuits. It also keeps us afloat when everything seems to go wrong, when we feel that we’re drowning. Hope is the light at the end of every tunnel…
Accreditation: Elias Mitri
(IG @eleymitri) (Twitter @greenmanblog)
Markus Brehm IG (@mbmodelphotography) Facebook (MBP Studio and Model Photography)