Tech Startup MeLAB Global plans to help 300 Gated Communities & Apartments save 9mil MYR in 2020 with its IoT Solution
HOMME Magazine met up with the talented young entrepreneur Alexander Henderson, who together with the award-winning tech retail entrepreneur Bong Kum Tim established MeLAB Global Sdn Bhd in 2016. Since inception, primarily as a Tech Company involved in the Financial Industry, MeLAB Global has branched into Blockchain, Machine Learning, AI as well as the Education Industry.

Alex’s latest focus is the MeLAB Global’s License Plate Recognition System is a solution that looks to save residential communities MYR 9 million in securities fees by 2020. Obviously creating huge savings on block management fees just for starters.
With the average cost at RM 7 per hour for a guard, this can set a residential block back more than RM 5K in monthly expenditure just on salaries. Across the 300 odd residential areas that we plan on serving from both East and West Malaysia, that accumulates to MYR 9mil in 2020.
Using our system, the security of the residence will be wholly managed in tandem by the property and its residents. Residents will have absolute control and will be able to monitor people who enter and exit the building.
“Fewer security guards will be required to man posts and can have the time and resources to pursue other value-added tasks. Our solution creates value added assurance with cost savings and efficiency gains.” ~ Says Alex, one of the founders of MeLAB Global.
With the Industrial Revolution 4.0 around the corner, the innovation of the License Plate Recognition exists to simplify and facilitate entry and exiting passages around residential areas, in a safe manner.
“I am sure as a resident myself, many have lost or fumbled for their access card, dropped it or had it rejected by faulty sensors when entering their residences. Worst of all, how frustrating it is when replacing lost cards which entails costs and fines” ~ said Alex.

MeLAB Global also wants to reduce the security risks and potential data breaches involved when a guest surrenders their identity card or driver’s license before entering any gated community or apartment.
With MeLAB Global’s License Plate Recognition System in place, access cards will soon become a thing of the past. This system enables users to pre-register the number plates of their guests. It’s so easy.

All you or your guest need to do is drive up to the barrier gate where our AI camera is installed which will instantaneously capture the number plate of the vehicle. The barrier gate will automatically open for registered vehicles – a seamless entry and exit point system. No more queuing up at various guard houses and no more congestion or inconvenience. Registered guests would be able to drive straight through without unnecessary interruptions.
“We just love new technology which has economical benefits. And hey, let’s not forget it’s replacing those nasty plactic cards! Gotta be right!” ~ Editor HOMME Magazine.
For further information:
Please refer to the website or contact: Bong Kum Tim @ +6012 720 5562 or Alexander Henderson (MeLAB Global Sdn Bhd) @ +6017-947-5788